Write for us

We love featuring high-quality guest posts from talented writers on our website. Our readers are always looking for fresh and informative content. If you believe that your writing would be a great fit for our audience, we can help you in reaching a large and engaged audience. Guest blogging on our website can be a great way to showcase your expertise, build your online presence, and reach a new audience. In addition, we are happy to include a bio in your guest post, which can help drive traffic and exposure back to your own online platforms.

If you love writing, you are most welcome to share your opinion piece with us. We would be happy and feel honored to publish your article. Show your expertise around topics and even build traffic and links for your website. Simply follow the guidelines below to ensure we both are on the same page. Share statistics, images, diagrams and how your opinion can benefit our readers by publishing guest blog on our website.

Our Guidelines

Owing to a lot of requests and the low quality of posts ( read plagiarism and AI genertated ) we have stopped taking guests posts from outside agencies. Instead we ask our in-house writers to write the content and publish theem. You can order a guest blog on our site and get a backlink f9or this.

Topics we cover

Website and app development in below technologies

  • PHP, Laravel, Livewire and WordPress
  • JavaScript, React JS, Vue JS, Angular JS, Quasar and Node JS
  • Flutter, Android, IOS development

Our other services include

  • Website designing, e-commerce development
  • Digital marketing
  • Search engine optimization, local SEO, e-commerce SEO, technical SEO
  • Social media marketing
  • Quora marketing
  • Guest blogging
  • Influencer marketing

What we hate in guest blogs

  • Poorly written articles that lack coherency and full of mistakes.
  • Flaws and wrong or misleading information in articles.
  • Articles that rant about something absurd without providing any useful content to our readers.
  • Topics we have already covered in our blogs and that too in detail.
  • Self-promoting articles will be either be not published or edited to rectify.

The cost per backlink is Rs 3000 + 18% GST

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